
Winter Home Improvement Projects

Winter Home Improvement Projects

It’s easy to feel cooped up inside after a few months of winter. The holiday buzz has died down, you’ve finally finished putting away all those seasonal decorations … so, now what? The winter months are a great time to embark upon an indoor home improvement project or two! Whether you want to get creative or just keep it simple, this article details a few ideas that will have you busy and productive this winter season. Organizing We know you’ve definitely heard this one before. “Organizing” as a concept can be pretty daunting, especially when you’ve got a house full...

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Guide to Paint Finishes

Guide to Paint Finishes

Whether you own your home or rent, chances are you will eventually spend a little time with the paintbrush and roller. One of the first things you need to do before painting is make a decision: what kind of finish do I want? First off, exactly what is a finish? In terms of paint, finish refers to the sheen, or the way that the paint reflects light. Basically, how shiny it is. How and where you use the different types of finishes is dependent on the location and condition of the surface you wish to cover. For example, flat finishes reflect...

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Get That Guestroom Spruced up For the Holidays

Get That Guestroom Spruced up For the Holidays

If you’re ever going to need a guest room, the Holidays would most likely be the time. As family and friends travel to be with each other during this time of year, what could be more welcoming than a thoughtfully prepared guest room? While many family members from afar would simply appreciate a couch or a cot to sleep on, having their own space would make their time in your home even more enjoyable. Below we’ll discuss some of the things you can do to make your guests feel more at home. Color it cheerfulA clean, fresh coat of paint...

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Revive a Room Using Color

Revive a Room Using Color

Any room can look drab and uninspiring if it hasn’t been updated in years. You don’t need to do major renovations, buy all new furniture, or completely change around the room for a new look, however. Instead, you can revive a room using color in many easy and effective ways. What Color Does to a Room Color sets a room’s tone, from cool, restful shades of blue and green to warm, energetic reds and oranges to nurturing earth tones to sleek grays and silvers. But color actually does much more than project mood. The right color tones can pull a...

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DIY Home Projects Before Holiday Company

DIY Home Projects Before Holiday Company

Whether you are planning a casual party, a large formal dinner, a festive gathering, or a combination of all three during the holidays, it can be helpful to finish DIY home projects before holiday company arrives. These easy projects can make a big difference to welcoming guests, presenting your home at its very best, and ensuring a smooth and enjoyable holiday for you and everyone who visits your home. Top 20 Home DIY Projects to Do Before Holiday Company Visits You know all your home’s quirks and how to deal with its personality, from a sticky lock to a fussy...

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